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This lot was not sold. You may be able to bid on this item if the auctioneer offers the lot again.
Auction by Ewald Auctions(163)
This item is in Orlando, FL


Item Details

T...rminos y condiciones
...Todo se vende al mejor postor, sin importar el precio!
Todo "COMO EST..., DONDE EST...", SIN garant...as de ning...n tipo, ya sean expresas, impl...citas o de otro tipo.
13% de prima para el comprador en l...nea.
Pago con tarjeta de cr...dito, cheque de caja o transferencia bancaria.
El pago total deber... realizarse el jueves 4 de abril a las 4 p. m.
Cualquier pago que no se realice antes del jueves 4 de abril a las 4:00 p. m. se cargar... autom...ticamente a la tarjeta de cr...dito registrada en Proxibid.
La retirada ser... el viernes 5 de abril de 10 a. m. a 4 p. m.
Organizar y pagar la retirada, recogida, env...o y manipulaci...n es responsabilidad del comprador.

Inspecci...n de propiedad personal el martes 2 de abril, de 10 a. m. a 1 p. m. SOLAMENTE.

Cualquier consulta debe dirigirse a Ewald Auctions al 407-275-6853 o bob@ewaldauctions.com.

Organizar y pagar la recogida, el env...o y la manipulaci...n es responsabilidad del comprador.
Ewald Auctions no empaca, embala ni carga art...culos. NO proporcionamos un conocimiento de embarque. S...lo proporcionamos un recibo pagado en su totalidad. Confirme que su empresa de env...o pueda empacar, embalar y cargar, ya que algunas no ofrecen ese servicio.

Hacemos todo lo posible para representar los art...culos con precisi...n con descripciones y fotograf...as para determinar el estado, la edad, la autenticidad o cualquier otro factor determinante. Lea detenidamente las descripciones y revise las fotos para obtener el mayor conocimiento posible antes de realizar una oferta. La informaci...n en la descripci...n fue escrita seg...n nuestro leal saber y entender. Cualquier defecto o da...o que conozcamos se indica en la descripci...n y en las im...genes siempre que sea posible. Si desea informaci...n adicional o desea programar una inspecci...n, comun...quese con la compa......a de subastas al menos dos d...as antes de la subasta para hacer los arreglos adecuados. Haremos lo mejor que podamos para satisfacer su solicitud. El comprador es responsable de inspeccionar y/o investigar el estado actual de todos los art...culos mediante inspecci...n personal y/o revisi...n cuidadosa de la descripci...n, im...genes, videos y/o documentaci...n escrita.

  Se recomienda encarecidamente a los postores que hagan alguna pregunta sobre cualquier art...culo, el proceso de subastas y el proceso de licitaci...n antes de realizar cualquier oferta. Una vez que se coloca un pre-oferta, no se puede eliminar. Las subastas de EWALD no ser...n responsables de ning...n servicio ininterrumpido, errores y/u omisiones, causados ??por ning...n medio y no garantiza un servicio continuo, ininterrumpido o libre de errores. El postor reconoce que la subasta se lleva a cabo electr...nicamente y depende de hardware y software que pueden funcionar mal sin previo aviso. No dude en colocar una oferta en l...nea, ya que puede haber un retraso en la conexi...n a Internet. Los art...culos no pagados en su totalidad o recogidos por la fecha y hora de eliminaci...n requeridas se considerar...n perdidos junto con el dep...sito. Los anuncios realizados en la subasta y en l...nea tienen prioridad sobre la materia impresa.


Payment by credit card, cashier’s check or wire transfer. Payment will be due in Full on Thursday, April 4 by 4pm. Any payments not made by Thursday April 4th by 4:00 pm will automatically be charged to the credit card on file with Proxibid. You will be contacted Thursday morning by our office regarding payment and to schedule pick up. 13% Buyers Premium. ???????ALL ELECTRICAL MUST BE CAPPED PROPERLY AND ACCORDING TO CODE.
Wire Transfer

Auction Details

Automotive Repair Shop-Short Notice4802 Distribution Ct, Suite 7, Orlando, FL, 32822Friday, Mar 29, 2024 | 11:00 AM CDT

Auction House

Terms Of Sale

Terms and Conditions Everything sells to the Highest Bidder, Regardless of Price! Everything 'AS IS, WHERE IS’ basis with NO warranties of any kind, express, implied, or otherwise. 13% On-Line Buyer’s Premium. Payment by credit card, cashier’s check or wire transfer. Payment will be due in Full on Thursday, April 4 by 4pm. Any payments not made by Thursday April 4th by 4:00 pm will automatically be charged to the credit card on file with Proxibid. Removal will be Friday April 5 from 10am – 4pm Arranging and paying for removal, pick up, shipping, and handling is the buyer’s responsibility. ???????ALL ELECTRICAL MUST BE CAPPED PROPERLY AND ACCORDING TO CODE. Inspection of the personal property on Tuesday, April 2, from 10am – 1pm ONLY. Any inquiries should be directed to the Ewald Auctions at 407-275-6853 or bob@ewaldauctions.com. Arranging and paying for pick up, shipping and handling is the buyer’s responsibility. Ewald Auctions does not pack, crate or load items. We DO NOT supply a bill of lading. We only supply a paid in full receipt. Please confirm your shipping company can pack, crate and load as some do not offer that service. We make every effort to represent the items accurately with descriptions and photos to determine condition, age, authenticity or any other determining factors. Please read the descriptions thoroughly and review the photos in order to gain as much knowledge as possible before placing a bid. The information in the description was written to the best of our knowledge. Any defects or damage that we know of, is stated in the description and in the pictures whenever possible. If you would like additional information or would like to schedule an inspection, please contact the auction company at least two days prior to the auction to make appropriate arrangements. We will do the best we can to accommodate your request. Buyer is responsible to inspect and/or investigate the current condition of all items through personal inspection and/or careful review of the description, pictures, video and/or written documentation. Bidders are strongly advised to ask any questions regarding any items, the auction process and bidding process prior to placing any bids. Once a pre-bid is placed it cannot be removed. Ewald Auctions will not be held responsible for any uninterrupted service, errors, and/or omissions, caused by any means and does not guarantee continual, uninterrupted or error free service. Bidder acknowledges that the auction is conducted electronically and relies on hardware and software that may malfunction without warning. Do not hesitate in placing a bid online, as there may be a delay in the internet connection. Items not paid in full or picked up by the required removal date and time will be considered forfeited along with the deposit. Announcements made at the auction and on-line take precedence over printed matter.